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Trusted Hyperconnectivity For The World

Titanconnect aims to create a global economic network so that its members can deal with one another in a secure, trusted and efficient environment. 

Fast & Secure



Pioneer in Programmable Money Technology Which Are Used To Design Innovative Payment and Financing Solutions

We create digital products to help businesses connect with one another and to do business efficiently and meaningfully. Powered by digital ledger technology, we have created a user-driven platform that allows our users to issue their own digital tokens for information sharing, payments and financing purposes.

By using any one or a combination of our products, which can be integrated to your backend ERP or third-party vendor solutions, your business can be conducted globally without the need to maintain a large labour force.  


What We Offer

Regardless of your company or your role in an economic ecosystem, the TitanConnect suite of products will allow you to participate via your very own digital control tower. At the core is the TitanPay smart contract solution comprising of our patent-pending Purpose Bound Money token that allows you to digitalise your purchase order, invoice or trade agreement into a smart contract that will allow immediate and reliable trade payment settlement without additional layers of control or verification. The smart contract will allow accurate and immediate trade settlement which enhances efficiency, especially in cross-border trade. 

Simplify Your Workflow

With our digital payment solutions, you will be able to simplify your pre and post trade workflows by linking your trade settlement payments directly to your accounting systems, reducing need for additional verification of data.  

Embedded Payments & Finance

You can embed payment and financing tools direcly into your workflow using APIs so that you can issue commercial vouchers directly to your suppliers from your workflow software solution, or selling your invoice receivables directly to investors.

Easy-To-Use Smart Contract Factory

Our intuitive smart contract factory allows you to easily customise your vouchers into a digital token for tracking and payment purposes. 

Automate Your Processes

By integrating our products with RPA technology in your workflow, you can potentially automate your ordering and payment and reconciliation processes in recurring trade transactions.  



Whether you choose to use it individually or as different combinations, the Titanconnect suite of products will be able to help you to meet almost all of your business development needs. You can source for, make proposals and finalise deals, initiate and control payments and even finance your business using one or more of Titanconnect token solutions. You can even potentially create a digital twin of your business by engaging our digital consultants to help you digitalise your entire business operations onto Titanvault. 


Titanvault is the data management solution of Titanconnect. Comprising of a data lake and data warehouse design, enterprise users are able to store data from all external sources in the datalake before they are processed and analysed and selectively stored in the data warehouse. The data warehouse will be the final storage location which contains all validated and final data before they are picked to be coded onto the TitanCert tokens for sharing.


Use Titanert to issue Data Rich Tokens that contain immutable and certified data from your secure database containing all your economic activities conducted on the Titanpay platform, to be shared with your business associates. This allows for quick, easy and reliable information sharing between parties. 


Use Titanpay as your payment dashboard to simplify and control your payment flows between you and others. By issuing Titanpay tokens which come with an embedded escrow wallet, you can codify all your payment terms and conditions to ensure secure and reliable settlements without the need for a legal escrow. Titanpay is essentially a smart voucher for all your commercial needs. 


Titancash is a financing tool that works best as part of a supply chain financing solution. By combining Titancert and Titanpay into a security token, secured by the cash flow that is due from an invoice receivable, vendors can effectively issue their own asset-backed tokens for investors to purchase. These security tokens are different from traditional securities as they contain much richer information that allows the holder deeper insights into the risk/return tradeoff of their investment.

Use Cases

Use Cases

The Titanconnect suite of products can be used individually or together to achieve different objectives. Some of these use cases are described as follows.

For Digital Transformation

An enterprise user can subscribe to a Titanvault cloud storage facility that will enable it to capture any type of data from external sources into their Titanvault. This database will form the basis of their digital control tower from which they can process, analyse, track and share any of the data with other registered users. 

For Business Development

As potentially all data from user's business activities can be stored on Titanvault, the user can issue Titancert tokens and share with their business associates as part of sales and marketing. Recipients of these Titancert tokens can rely on the information for its due diligence on the user's corporate reputation. Sensitive and confidential data can also be stored in their Titanvault cloud account to be attached to Titancert tokens. 

For Supply Chain Management

For large corporates to monitor the efficiency of their supply chains. Together with our strategic partners which specialise in the integration of blockchain technology with IOT sensors for supply chain management solutions, a large corporate user can use a combination of Titanconnect's products to manage their vendor ecosystem. 

For Fundraising

For corporate users with many large corporate clients, they can use Titancash to issue tokens for fundraising purposes. Be it equity or debt tokens, or asset backed security tokens backed by future receivables, a user can issue them all directly from Titanconnect and sold through multiple platforms for a wider investor base.  

The Future of Global Commerce

Our collaborative products allow you greater transparency and reliability in your economic activities so that you can focus on building profitable, meaningful and trusted relationships.


Data Sharing

Total Design

Co-Developed By Blockchain Experts

From software developers working on national-level projects to technology vendors with tonnes of experience in blockchain technology development, Titanconnect is the product of collective decades of experimental and pilot-tested product design that ensures a reliable, collaborative and scalable product platform.


Join Our Waitlist

Still undergoing its final rounds of testing, we are expecting to launch Titanconnect products real soon to a selected group of pilot users. Sign up now to be on our waitlist.  


Get Ready to Connect With Your Existing and Future Business Partners on Titanconnect.

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